On Wednesday, August 2, brochures notifying 1-4 unit households of their new hauler, collection day and garbage cart size(s) will be mailed to both property owners and residents in this program. Updates to the Garbage section of the City website, www.stpaul.gov/garbage, will go live, including an interactive map where people can search their address to find their new hauler and collection day. The interactive map can be found at www.stpaul.gov/garbagemap.
From August 13 to September 21, the new garbage carts will be delivered, starting in the northwest corner of the City. Carts will have a plastic bag attached with a 2018 Cart Packet brochure inside of it that further explains the new garbage program and how to use the cart after October 1.
Garbage Information Line for garbage program questions: 651-266-6101.
The website also has more information: www.stpaul.gov/garbage.
Email garbage@stpaul.gov (monitored by Solid Waste staff).
SAPCC will update information as it changes on our website at sapcc.org/recyclinggarbage/.