This survey will close July 5th.

In collaboration with the City of St. Paul, SAPCC has designed a survey to help Joy of the People as they continue to engage the community over their proposed tennis courts resurfacing at the South St. Anthony Park Recreation Center.

Joy of the People (JOTP), a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to youth soccer, leases the South St. Anthony Park Recreation Center from the City of St. Paul. Since moving to St. Anthony Park, JOTP has used the tennis courts as one of their alternative soccer play surfaces.
JOTP is proposing to resurface the recreational tennis court with artificial turf in order to provide an alternative playing surface for soccer. The surface JOTP proposes to use is an artificial short grass turf certified by the International Tennis Federation. (Learn more about the turf here:
JOTP has been awarded a matching grant from US Bank and the Minnesota Vikings to resurface the tennis court. If the project is approved by the City of St. Paul, US Bank will provide $50,000 and JOTP will provide another $50,000.
As your local community council, in collaboration with the City of St. Paul, we have created this survey to gather neighborhood opinions on this proposed changed. We want to hear from you! We want to know about the usage your use of the park in order to determine whether this project is a good fit for the neighborhood.
Please take a moment to share your thoughts by taking this survey.

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